Self-reflection is discussed throughout the training. It is a difficult concept to achieve, and as such, often the chosen focus for some or all of the mentoring. It is broad in application and can be achieved in such a variety of ways.
The process of the mentoring will always begin with the focus on relationship building. This is integral for the trust and confidence that will hopefully develop between the educator or education team, and the coach. The coach will provide opportunity to explore the various self-reflective practices and support the implementation of the tools and resources identified throughout the training.
Observing the classroom, and having time to meet one to one with the educator or team, gives staff opportunities to recognise the concepts and meaning of the Pyramid Model, and also identify strategies to practically apply the tools. How the actual coaching will look, will be determined by an Action Plan, facilitated by the coach, and created jointly with the educator or team. Strategies, supports and how to implement the supports, form the plan.

- At least one coaching visit per classroom with relation to each tier of the framework;
- Observation of educators and classroom teams to identify Pyramid practices in place and possible next steps;
- Individual Educator, and classroom team meetings to discuss observation and review concepts and strategies presented in trainings;
- Development of a Coaching Action Plan used to identify desired areas of focus and strategies for implementation;
- Follow-up sessions via email and phone for support in between visits.