I'm doing the two days training - what's all this about coaching?
The evidence has shown that coaching exponentially increases the level of embedded practice following training. Specific research with the Pyramid Model, has indicated that 12-16 sessions, not necessarily consecutively, but as and when determined between the coach and the educator, provides enough time to:
- develop a working relationship,
- have some observation time,
- practice time and
- evaluation / review time.
The coaching is the element of the Pyramid Model that assists the educator to embed the practices learned, and feel supported in doing so. The coach enhances the self-reflective practice of the individual.
Why is there such a big gap between training days?
In order to gain the most from the training, it is felt that the coaching between the dates will support the individual to feel confident and open to learning and trialling specific elements of the tiers from Day 1, in readiness for Day 2. For example, whilst the coaching will focus on what has been achieved and discussed in Day 1, it will all inform the Positive Behaviour Support equation that ultimately addresses persistent, challenging behaviours in children that require intensive individualised interventions. This is the focus on Day 2. It is intended that individuals will aim to draw some Functional Assessments together to build upon at the second day, so as to have more meaning for the educator.
We wanted to do the training on the weekend. Why are the training dates now on a Thursday?
If your service is open to dedicating a whole weekend to training, this can be facilitated. Contact Sara Stockman to discuss this. Your team may also consider choosing two Saturdays, to enable time between the training to start to embed practice, and to also enable some 'down time' for your weekend!
Where else are training days being held?
Depending on where you work, you may find a number of options available to you and your staff. As every Day 1 and every Day 2 are the same, regardless of where, you may find it a good option to send your staff to alternative dates in other locations. Make it work for you. Contact Sara Stockman to request your location.
Do I have to do both training days?
It is important to do both days to really understand the Pyramid Model framework and the Positive Behaviour Support. The competencies explored in each tier inform the next, and are all required in the final module to apply to the Positive Behaviour Support equation.
What happens if not all our staff can attend on the dates provided?
Apart from attempting other training dates and locations, please contact Sara Stockman with regards supporting staff who have not yet been trained.