Teaching Pyramid: Resources

There are extensive resources available to support you in the implementation of the Teaching Pyramid Model.  Specific materials, downloads, links and social media supports are mostly available directly on the websites listed below along with links listed on the right-hand side of this blogsite.  Resources are being developed within the Australian context.  In the meantime, please note that as with the model itself, the resources supporting the Teaching Pyramid are universal in nature and as such, fully adaptable to the Australian context as is.  All underlined text below are direct links.  Please click to go through.
For a visual overview of the Teaching Pyramid framework in action, watch this YouTube video:  Synopsis of the Pyramid Model in Action - EC Service, Community, Family

CSEFEL (Centre for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning):  Focusses on social and emotional development and school readiness for children birth to 5 years.

TACSEI (Technical Assistance Centre on Social and Emotional Intervention):  Is committed to providing social, emotional and behaviour development resources information and strategies.  They strive to provide peer review of many of the resources listed.
Pyramid Model Consortium:  Continues the Pyramid Model work now that funding for the two centres above has come to an end. 

Within the three websites above, you will find resources listed in types.  For the purposes of our Early Childhood Educator support network, this blogsite will provide reviews and direct links to information specific to Services and Communities that engage with children from birth to early years of Primary School.
 "Very practical – realistic and relevant examples.  Enjoyed pulling apart and forming hypothesis."  Feedback from Teaching Pyramid Training 

For Mentors and Coaches
Chat Sessions - a number of Chat Sessions geared to support social and emotional development in young children were conducted and transcribed in 2004 and 2005.  They are listed here and useful for reading how others perceive the resources and challenges within the early childhood sector.
Decision Making Guidelines - provide a little bit of overview as to when to seek further support.
Practical Strategies - for implementation with Early Childhood Educators and families.  Includes:  Social Stories, Book Nook, How to Teach Social and Emotional Skills.
What Works Briefs - consists of 24 summaries for effective practice in support of social and emotional development and addressing challenging behaviours.

From the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website:
Practice-Based Coaching is the specific mentoring design we've encouraged and the research is here to explain why and how it works.

For Early Childhood Educators and Families
Inventory of Practices for Promoting Social Emotional Competencies - the self reflection tool used by educators with regards social and emotional competencies in young children and inclusive practice overall.
The Practice Implementation Checklists and Implementation Planning Forms are a summarised version of the Inventory above, and an easier tool to review regularly.
Service-wide (Program-wide) Checklist - used by Directors and staff to reflect upon policies and practices throughout the running of the service.
Tools for Working on “Building Relationships”
Book Nook - Provide hands on ways to embed social and emotional development into the early childhood routine using readily accessible and enticing literature for children.
Teaching Social Emotional Skills and Teaching Tools - Includes Tucker Turtle, Solutions Tool Kit and other supportive resources with how to implement information readily available.
Backpack Connection Series - An amazing list of one page resources designed to fit in every child's 'backpack' with take-home and classroom tips for various aspects of social and emotional development and challenging behaviours.
This link also takes you to Family Routine Support. The Backpack Series is also embedded on the right of the screen.
Tips and Support Sheets for Families geared towards children 0-5years.
Pyramid Consortium YouTube Channel hosts a number of videos depicting EC service experiences with and around the Teaching Pyramid framework.  This includes implementation of the Solution Kit, engaging with families, collaboration with the Positive Behaviour Support plan, individual expectation implementation, and so on.
The YouTube Channel is embedded to the right of the screen.

From the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) website:
15 minute in-service suites has several (at least 45!) topic/idea specific 'suites', teacher tools, tips and supervisor tools and resources.
Teacher Time are very Teaching Pyramid focused webinars that have been recorded to support such things as Transitions, Schedules & Routines, Expectation etc.
Front Porch Broadcast Series is a hub of podcasts from guest presenters broadcasting research and implications for practical application in classrooms.  These are facilitated by the National Centre of Quality Teaching and Learning in the States.  Some of the topics are worth exploring, too.

Video:  Janine on the Teaching Pyramid Resources