Research and Evidence - Why Teaching Pyramid?

Looking for that extra little 'push' before you commit to Teaching Pyramid training?  Here are some easy reasons to take it up in whatever capacity you can manage:
  • Training is FREE!
  • The Teaching Pyramid supports the development of children's social and emotional competencies
  • Challenging behaviours can be addressed and reduced with the implementation of the Teaching Pyramid framework practice strategies
  • Resources are easy to access, use and are FREE!
  • The Teaching Pyramid framework complements the National Quality Standards, Early Years Learning Framework and can inform and address your Quality Improvement Plan
  • Your Teaching Pyramid Facilitator is committed to finding the best possible way to enable training and mentoring for your service.
Other evidence-based reasons include the findings from research conducted in California on behalf of WestEd, the Centre for Family and Child Studies, 2011.  A cross-site analysis following the training and implementation of the Teaching Pyramid practices, was found to have had the following impact on teachers, children and administrators (i.e. Directors and Education Leaders):

  • Teachers were more confident, less stressed, and less frustrated by children’s challenging behaviours.
  • Teachers and aides who trained together had improved working relationships.
  • Teachers reported that children learned behaviour expectations, were better able to express emotions verbally, and required less teacher intervention to solve conflicts.
  • Administrators reported that referrals for behaviour problems decreased and when made, were more appropriate.
  • Administrators felt better able to support teachers around children’s challenging behaviours.
If this has whet your appetite, be sure to go to the survey to express your interest, or contact Sara Stockman:  0269 238400